Power Closer 4.0

Power Closer 4.0

Power Closer is a real estate closing software for firms
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Latest version:
4.0 See all
Argosy Legal Systems
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Awards (1)
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Software Informer Virus Free award

Power Closer real estate closing software takes the pressure off people who prepare real estate closings. Start saving time immediately and produce more accurate, better looking closing documents.
Compare Power Closer to any other real estate closing software. Try it for free and see for yourself how easy it is. The Power Closer demo provides a good way to learn the basics of using the paid program, and is a good test of compatibility with computers and printers. Some firms find it suits their needs for a very small volume of closings.

Power Closer real estate closing software calculates and prints the HUD-1 form, including the Comparison chart and Loan Terms. Power Closer 4, which prints the new HUD-1 form, currently ships with Power Closer 3 for the old HUD-1 form at no additional cost.

Power Closer calculates and prints informal buyer/borrower statements, seller statements, balance sheet and disbursement summary and 1099-S forms.

Create custom closing documents with WordPerfect or Microsoft Word by merging over 800 items from Power Closer.

Add-on modules include end-of-year 1099 reporting and multi-user network support.

Comments (1)


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The download appears to be for a demo version. Might you have contact info for the developer (Argosy Legal) so I can contact them directly? I am a longtime customer of theirs but the # I have isn't working. Thank you!

Mar 6, 2024 Was it helpful?  yes(0) no(0) | Reply